서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


로그인 회원가입
  • 프로그램
  • 프로그램신청

프로그램신청 프로그램신청

완료 [Seongbuk-gu] Professional counseling for families in crisis
  • 등록일2023.09.22
  • 페이스북 트위터
    네이버밴드 카카오톡
자치구 Seongbuk-gu 접수기간 2023-04-01 ~ 2023-11-30 장소 61-6, Jeongneung-ro 27-gil, Jeongneung 2-dong
모집인원 00 지원자격 Seongbuk-gu Residents 문의 070-7706-1805

첨부파일: 위기가정전문상담홍보지2023년.png

                   Among Seongbuk-gu residents with financial difficulties (based on income bracket), 

multicultural families are given priority.


We provide emergency professional psychological counseling to multicultural families in Seongbuk-gu and to families in crisis (divorce, suicide, domestic violence, etc.) with economic difficulties (based on income bracket).

Counseling is conducted over 13 sessions as family or couple counseling at a cooperative private counseling center.




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