서울특별시 한울타리HANULTARI
For Multicultural Families


로그인 회원가입
  • 프로그램
  • 프로그램신청

프로그램신청 프로그램신청

완료 Recruitment of Migrant Supporters
  • 등록일2021.02.17
  • 페이스북 트위터
    네이버밴드 카카오톡
자치구 Dongdaemun-gu 접수기간 2021-02-17 ~ 2021-02-26 장소 Online/ Offline
모집인원 more or less 9 persons 지원자격 관내 거주 다양한 나라 선배 이주민 문의 02-957-1067

Recruitment of Migrant Supporters

Contents: To train senior migrants from various countries living in the same city, and then provide translation services and information to new migrants upon needed from March to November.

Program period:2021-03-01~11-30

Recruitment period:  February 17th(Wed) to 26th(Fri), 2021

Target:  marriage migrants living in the same city (China, Vietnam, Japan, Mongolia, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal, Russia) 1 person each country

               *can communicate in Korean language(at least intermediate level)

Training period: March to July  Education on how to provide translation services and information regarding administrative, financial, legal, etc.(total of 10 times) for free

Activity period: March to November upon needed, certain amount of activity expenses will be paid upon giving on-site interpretation

Inquiries: Translation business person in-charge  02-957-1067